Thursday, September 10, 2009


Tristin and Yseut's stay in the woods was very taxing on both of them. Without a supply of bread, they are forced to eat game: dear, rabbit, or any other type of animal that they can find. They eat and sleep in the woods, obviously, and live in a home made from branches and leaves. They sleep together, on a bed of leaves, and throughout all of this, they are still in love. They cannot show their faces in public, and are restricted to speaking only with each other and Governal. They are as good as lepers, because they are on the run for their lives; however they still love. This is an amazing fact. Although the love potion is apparently to blame, this is what pure love really should be. No matter where, or when, love is love is love. They love each other so deeply that this rough realm does not even lead to frustration or anger on either of their parts. Even though the queen should live in a beautiful castle with silk dresses etc. she is loving her life because she is so madly in love with Tristin. The author is trying to portray what true love, to the fullest extent is. There is no money or wealth or materialistic goods to distract or make them happy. Tristin and Yesult are simply in love, and couldn't be happier.

The love potion does indeed wear off after three years, and the initial reaction of Tristin and Yesult is at first, very appropriate. They both feel terrible and repent for their ways. They want to make good with King Mark and feel almost silly about how they have acted. They also both feel pity for the other one. Tristin is upset that he has taken Yesult out of her beautiful home where she is wealthy and loved. Yesult feels awful that this honorable knight is no longer at court. However, as the dialogue moves on, the love that they still have for one another is still quite clear. They both give each other gifts of great importance to themselves, and both make promises to each other that they would not make, if they did not love. Tristin promises to stick around to make sure that the queen is treated as she should be, and is willing to come rescue her if life in the castle is some how different, or at all more hostile than she anticipates. Yesult promises to go to Tristin if he ever calls or asks for her help, no matter what or where it is. They clearly still love each other, even if they are claiming to be just friends. They are in love, and have fallen in love over three years, regardless of the potion. The potion was more like a catalyst than a cupid. However, over the three years, they have fallen in love and although in their heads they know the right thing to do, their hearts are probably telling them deep, deep down that they should not be seperating. Whether or not they claim to be friends for now, I predict that they will soon come to be together again.

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