Monday, October 19, 2009

Decameron Day 4

5.8)What is there to say about learning from somoeone elses lessons?
This is a very good thing. Obviously in this story, a mean woman learns to love a man who loves her because she views a different woman, in the same situation, being viscously killed. She in turns falls in love so that she won't meet this same fate. I think this is a good lesson. If you can't learn from others, how else will you learn? It is imperitive to learn from others mistakes because in this way you will be a better and smarter person. In this way, she escapes a fate that is clearly in her future. Also the man in this text is smart to show her this. He loves her, for what ever reason, and once she decides to stop being so cold hearted and learns that a horrible hellish death awaits her, she loves him too.
6.7) How do you feel about this trial?
This trial, although not perfect makes some sense. Although she was adulterous and did deserve to be punished, she is right to expect that the standards should be the same for both parties. Men and women should be treated equal and she realizes this; by pointing this out to all the other people of the town, they realize that she is right, and that she shouldn't be punished. This is supportive, and shows that even people of this time cared about equal rights for men and women.

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