Tuesday, October 20, 2009


What can be said of men of the cloth and trickery?
Obviously, this has no meaning. The men of the cloth, friars, priests etc. and the women, nuns and such, do not care. They sin and sin and sin and act as though God is not gonna realize that they are sinning, and that he will simply forgive them when they ask. As if he doen'st know that they made this plan and that they are full willingly sinning. This is stupid, it is saying that the fact that these men are part of something spirtual is unimportant. Also, by using the cloth as an excuse, the friar easily avoids trouble, and can manipulate situationts. This is disgusting.
Trickery or the Truth?
It is bad enough that these men deceive eachother, but the fact of the matter is that they could have told the truth. They are both obviously bi-sexual and are into open relationships, so if neither had originally lied, if they had both told the truth, than they would never had to trick. However, by deceiving the women, who do not need much convincing, they both lead into hurting eachother. In the end they are both ok with it but the fact of the matter is they could have destroyed their friendship.

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