Thursday, October 29, 2009

Celestina Day 3

1)Celestina may or may not like women. Obviously she touches A. inapproprietly although she does not think it is inappropriete. She is also very open about it. This may mean that she is bi-sexual because being an old prostitute, she clearly liked men at one point. Also we see that she is very powerful with the art of persuasion and language. Celestina is very good at talking to her and getting her to do what she wants. Lastly, we see her solution to sickness, and her solution to apparently everything; sex. She loves sex, her life is sex and that is what is normally on her mind.
4) The chain is the last payment that Celestina is given. The small chain can symbolize a few different things. A chain is normally linked to something like a bond. Giving this chain away to Celestina could almost be a bond between them that can not break. A chain is supposed to be something very strong and lasting. Also that chain is a status symbold. It is a very nice gift, and since it is whole, and unbreaking, she clearly does not intend to share it with her two partners in this story. She is greedy and keeping it for herself. Her desire and greed is symbolized by a chain because it cannot be split up. Maybe this chain will lead to her death?

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