Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Celestina-Last Day

1) The fact that they meet in the dead of night is very important. These "lovers" are keeping there love a secret which tells you that it is not accepted by society. They meet in the dead of night, signifying that it may not be ture love. People who are in love always talk about screaming it off the moutain top and telling everyone about it. However, these people, who are in a false love, keep it concealed from everyone. This is much more of a love for sex and desire than an actual love for another person. There more "star struck" or in awe of images of eachother. They just love the thought of the beauty and magnificent being of the other in the dark night, with stars shining. It sets a nice mood.
2)Melibea actually loves Calisto. Calisto does not love her but loves having sex with her. However, Melbea may really be in love with him. She kills herself after he is dead, and she is so young it is not that she is simply miserable. She either is love or thinks she is in love with Calisto. Either way, Calisto did not love her, he would not have killed himself. And no one really loves in this book. The prostitutes don't thats for sure. Maybe Pleberio's loved his daughter. He speaks of death when she kills herself. He honestly did care, but a fatherly love is different than being in love, No one was in love in this book.
6) Obviously there is some wrong going on here. Melibea is not allowed to show how she truly feels because of the patriachial society that she is living in. She loves sex and is totally incompassed by this as any human being would be. However, she finally gives in to her sexual urges, meaning that she realizes her matriachal, impowering role actually. She is torn between these two worlds, and eventually it leads to her suicide.

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