Monday, November 2, 2009

The Celestina-Day 4

Calisto's long speech does not reflect the predicted happiness. He is actually a complete mess and all over the place. At first he is mad at himself. He feels shameful that he succumbed to such desires and feels stupid that he has risked his whole reputation on the love of a mistress. He is madd that he risked everything, and know that he has come down from his high, he is seeing clearly how stupid his "love" was. Then, after going through that, and arguing in his own head, he realizes that he really did enjoy himself. And that he plans on going back, even if it seems supid. He realizes that she really does like him and that he can't wait to go back and see her, as long as no one finds out. The risk is worth the reward to him.
"did anyone ever do so well for himself?"- This is a quote said by Parmeno and I think it is really important because it basically sums up this book. All of the characters in this book really only look out for themselves and they are all completely consumed by greed. From Celestina to Calisto, these characters simply trick eachother, or attempt to decieve eachother in order to get what they happen to want at the time. No character really steps outside of this greed, so this quote sums up these characters in a few short words.

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