Thursday, November 12, 2009

Perceval Day 2

1)obviously this name signifies that this woman is pure at heart. White is a colored used to signify pure, virginity and sometimes even holiness. Her name is basically telling the reader that she is a good person, and she represents the true goodness still left in the world. Also, since it has to do with a flower, this could also elude to her virginity, having not been de-flowered or anything like this. She sleeps with Perceval and trusts him while she is sneeking into his bed. She is also weeping because she truly cares for his well being. Like in yvain, we see a damsel weeping over the one she loves because she is either scared of what is to come (foreshawdoing) or because she does not want to lose him.
2)Perceval is basically an onlooker in this procession, and is very unhelpful to the reader. One would assume that he would ask who the grail, which is glowing, showing noble, wisdom or magic...was being served to. He fails to bring light to a situation that is just steaming with mystery. Also, it is not every day that one sees a pure white lance bleeding. What does this mean? Possibly innocent blood spilt? Either way, Perceval should have asked what all this meant; not asking simply leads the reader to guess.

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